Inside StashAway
Discover the power of thematic portfolios. Diversify your investments with a purpose through investing in ETFs from ARK, iShares, Global X, and more!
Investment Advice
Here are 7 common behavioural finance biases to keep in check when investing.
CIO Insights
China remains a major growing economy despite its tough regulations and tight monetary policies.
Our Approach
Inflation-adjusted growth is the ultimate driver of returns in the medium and long term. Now, it's time to update our portfolios' asset allocation accordingly.
Money Management
It’s never too early to start learning about how to manage money.
We use strategic investment tools to enhance and personalise your investment portfolio. Here’s how.
2020 was a volatile, uncertain year in too many ways to count. Despite that, our portfolios returned strong earnings.
If you're looking to protect your investments from extreme events, you should have Gold in your portfolio
We designed our investment framework to focus on risk management so that each portfolio can withstand these inevitable drawdowns, then recover faster when the markets eventually rebound.
Managing your risk comes down to how you set up your investments